History of Robotics Research and Development of Japan1987Integration, Intelligence, etc.Self-contained mobile robot in campus road (A mobile robot strategy and its application to Harunobu-4)

Hideo MORIUniversity of Yamanashi Faculty of Engineering
Shinji KOTANIUniversity of Yamanashi Faculty of Engineering
A mobile robot strategy. A stereotyped motion y Stereotyped motion by Sign Pattern drawn from a study of lower animal is applied to mobile robot “Harunobu”. A stereotyped motion is specified by a fixed action pattern which appeared always when the robot encountered a certain situation. It is classified in to two groups; vision-based motion and sensor-based motion. The former is consist of Moving-Along, Moving-Toward, Turning-Corner and Moving-Obstacle. A sign pattern is specified by a part of an object that initiates and guides the stereotyped motion. The latter is consist of Run-Over-Step motion and several Collision-Avoiding motions woken up by bumper switches, ultrasonic sensors. To deal with such error status in vision based motion as No-Passage-found or Sign-Pattern-Missing, several Error Recovery motions are specified.
図1 歩行者のサインパターン
Fig. 1 Sign Patterns of Pedestrians
図2 自動車のサインパターン
Fig. 2 Sign Patterns of Cars
図3 危険度判定の例
Fig. 3 Sample of Danger Estimation
図4 歩行ガイドロボットの概念図
Fig. 4 Concept of Walking Guidance Robot
図5 歩行ガイドロボットの写真
Fig. 5 Walking Guidance Robot


Correspondence papers

Hideo Mori, Shinji Kotani, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Satoshi Yasutomi, and Yukiko Chino:Self-contained mobile robot in campus road (A mobile robot strategy and its application to Harunobu-4)

Journal of the RSJ, Vol. 5, No. 5, 1987 (in Japanese).

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