To clarify the concept of telescience, we conducted a simulated experiment, titled “Influence of microgravity on frog’s ontogeny”, on November 7 and 8, 1988. The project involved constructing a simulated experimental system on the ground, including the teleoperation system (incl. master-slave manipulators) and telepresense system.
It was shown that the ground operator could cut a frog’s (Xenopus’s) egg with a 1 mm diameter under the microscope through bilateral master-slave operation of the manipulator at the simulated onboard site despite a 0.5 sec round-trip communication delay between it and the simulated ground site through the CS-3 communication satellite.
1st RSJ Technical Award in 1990.
Ground operator and master arm
Master arm and operation console
Microscope image during egg cutting operation
Remote-site monitoring images during egg cutting operation