History of Robotics Research and Development of Japan1970Integration, Intelligence, etc.The Uncanny Valley

Masahiro MoriProfessor of Tokyo Institsute of Technology
Explanation about "The Uncanny Valley phenomenon" discovered by the author.  He saw into a phenomenon that a person's response to a humanlike robot would abruptly shift from empathy to revulsion as it approached, but failed to attain, a lifelike appearance. This descent into eeriness is named as The Uncanny Valley. The first contribution appeared in an obscure Japanese journal called "energy" in 1970, and in subsequent years, it received almost no attention. However, after 2005, the concept of the uncanny valley has rapidly attracted interest in robotics and other scientific circles as well as in popular culture.
Uncanny Valley


Correspondence papers

Masahiro Mori:The Uncanny Valley

IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION magazine, Vol.19, No.2, June 2012, pp.98-100.

Masahiro Mori:Uncanny Valley

Energy, Esso Standard Japan, Vol.7, No.4, 1970, pp.33-35 (in Japanese).

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