History of Robotics Research and Development of Japan1989Integration, Intelligence, etc.TELEXISTENCE Conceptualization, Invention, and Feasibility Demonstration of Telexistence

S.TachiThe University of Tokyo
H.AraiMechanical Engineering Laboratory
We proposed the concept of telexistence in 1980, a method by which a robot can be controlled while the operator experiences the sensation of existing within the robot’s body. We furthermore performed theoretical research regarding engineering methods by which this idea might be realized, and constructed an experimental telexistence system to demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed method and to present a concrete design method for a telexistence system. We analyzed the mechanism by which humans reconstruct three-dimensional audiovisual spaces within their minds, and utilized features of human perception and robotics technology to establish a concept of telexistence, which creates a real-time feeling of presence in a remote location. We furthermore theoretically and experimentally established that telexistence not only allows a feeling of artificial reality for the remote real-world location in which the robot exists, but can also produce sensations of artificial reality within a computer-generated virtual world. We also proposed a telexistence control method using impedance control, and a new control method using a manipulator with dynamic couplings. These efforts led to a better understanding of the characteristics of cognitive control in humans.In addition to the proposal and realization of the above concepts, we suggested that robots be classified according to generation, and positioned the upcoming wave of new robots as the third such generation coined the term “third-generation robot” in 1982. This was adopted as the central theme for planning the National Large-scale Project of “Advanced Robot Technology in Hazardous Environments” (1983-1990), and greatly contributed to promoting that project. For these achievements, on November 7, 1988, we were awarded the MITI Minister’s Award for “A Study on the Coexistence of Humans and Third-Generation Robots”, and on November 28, 1991, we received the Robotics Society of Japan’s Technology Award for “Telexistence Technologies”.
写真1 テレビークル
Photo.1 Tele-vehicle
写真2 テレサの実験風景
Photo. 2 Experimant of TELESA
写真3 テレイグジスタンスマスタシステム
Photo. 3 Telexistence master system
写真4 バーチャルテレサ
Photo. 4 Vertual TELESA
図1 レイグジスタンスの概念図
Fig. 1 Concept of Telexictance
図2 テレイグジステンスの原理図
Fig. 2 Principle of Telexistance
図3 テレイグジステンスの構成図
Fig. 3 Construction of Telexistance


Correspondence papers

S.Tachi and H.Arai:Design and Evaluation of a Visual Display with a Sensation of Presence in Tele-existence System

Journal of the RSJ, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 314-326, 1989 (in Japanese).

Related papers

[1] 舘 暲,小森谷清:第3世代ロボット,計測と制御, vol.21,no.12,pp.1140-1146, 1982. (in Japanese)

[2] S.Tachi, K.Tanie, K.Komoriya and M.Kaneko:Tele-existence(I) (Design and evaluation of a visual display with sensation of presence),Proceedings of the 5th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators, pp.206-215, Udine, Italy, June, 1984. (S.Tachi, K.Tanie, K.Komoriya and M.Kaneko: Tele-existence in A.Morecki et al. ed., Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators, Kogan Page, 1985.)

[3] S.Tachi and H.Arai:Study on tele-existence(II) (Three dimensional color display with sensation of presence),Proceedings of the '85 International Conference on Advanced Robotics, pp.345-352, Tokyo, Japan, September, 1985.

[4] 舘  暲:テレイグジスタンス (未来の夢と現在の技術),日本ロボット学会誌,vol.4,no.3,pp.295-300,1986. (in Japanese)

[5] S.Tachi, H.Arai and T.Maeda:Tele-existence simulator with artificial reality(I) (Design and evaluation of a binocular visual display using solid models),Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.719-724, Tokyo, Japan, October, 1988.

[6] S.Tachi, H.Arai, I.Morimoto and G.Seet:Feasibility experiments on a mobile tele-existence system,Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Industrial Robots, pp.625-636, Sydney, Australia, November, 1988.

[7] S.Tachi, H.Arai and T.Maeda:Robotic tele-existence,Proceedings of the NASA International Conference on Space Telerobotics, pp.171-180, Pasadena, USA, January 1989.

[8] S.Tachi, H,Arai and T.Maeda: Development of anthropomorphic tele-existence slave robot, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, pp.385-390, Tokyo, Japan, May 1989.

[9] S.Tachi, H.Arai and T.Maeda: Tele-existence visual display for remote manipulation, Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Industrial Robots (ISIR), pp.427-434, Tokyo, Japan, October 1989.

[10] S.Tachi, H.Arai and T.Maeda:Tele-existence master slave system for remote manipulation, Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'90), pp.343-348, Tsuchiura,Japan, July 1990.

[11] S.Tachi, H.Arai and T.Maeda: Tele-existence master slave system for remote manipulation, Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp.85-90, Honolulu, Hawaii,USA, December 1990.

[12] Susumu TACHI, Taisuke SAKAKI, Impedance Controlled Master Slave Manipulation System Part I: Basic Concept and Application to the System with Time Delay, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol.8, No.3, pp.241-252, 1990. (in Japanese)

[13] S.Tachi, H.Arai, T.Maeda, E.Oyama, N.Tsunemoto and Y.Inoue: Tele-existence experimental system for remote operation with a sensation of presence, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Robot Technology ('91 ISART), pp.451-458,Tokyo, Japan, March 1991.

[14] S.Tachi, H.Arai and T.Maeda: Tele-existence master slave system for remote manipulation, Video Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, G1, Sacramento, California, USA, April 1991.

[15] S.Tachi, H.Arai, T.Maeda, E.Oyama, N.Tsunemoto and Y.Inoue:Tele-existence in real world and virtual world, (Invited Paper), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Advanced Robotics ('91ICAR),pp.193-198, Pisa, Italy, June 1991.

[16] S.Tachi, H.Arai and T.Maeda: Tele-existence: An advanced remote operation system with a sensation of presence, SMiRT 11 Transactions, vol.SD1, pp.325-330, Tokyo, Japan, August 1991.

[17] S.Tachi: Measurement and control in tele-existence and artificial reality, (Invited Keynote Paper), Proceedings of the 12th Triennial World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO XII), vol.3, pp.9-15, Beijing, China, September 1991.

[18] 舘 暲,前田太郎:人工現実感を有するテレイグジスタンスロボットシミュレータ,電子情報通信学会論文誌 DII,vol.J75-D-II, no.2, pp.179-189, 1992. (in Japanese)

[19] Yasuyuki INOUE, Susumu TACHI and Hirohiko ARAI, A Method of Impedance Control of a Master-slave Manipulation System, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol.10, No.4, pp. 490-500, 1992. (in Japanese)

[20] Taro MAEDA, Hirohiko ARAI and Susumu TACHI, Design and Evaluation of Binocular Head-Mounted Displays, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol.10, No.5, pp.99-109,1992.. (in Japanese)

[21] K.Oyama, N.Tsunemoto, S.Tachi and T.Inoue: Experimental study on remote manipulation using virtual reality, Presence, vol.2, no.2, pp.112-124, 1993.

[22] S.Tachi and Y.Yasuda: Evaluation experiments of a tele-existence Manipulation system, Presence, vol.3, no.1, pp.35-44, 1994.

[23] 舘 暲,安田賢一:テレイグジスタンス・マニピュレーション・システムの設計と評価,電気学会論文誌(C),vol.115-c, no.2, pp.172-181, 1995. (in Japanese)

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