History of Robotics Research and Development of Japan2011Integration, Intelligence, etc.Human centered information transfer robot

Joo-Ho LeeRitsumeikan University
The main goal of this research is to realize an active information display system which is able to afford a human centered information transfer method. In our living environment, the most famous and representative ways of transferring information are passive information display methods such as road signs, guide maps, notice boards, etc. In these kinds of information display methods, constant information is written on fixed media in advance and those media are located at some specified place. It is the most common way of transferring information from past to now since the birth of human being. However, there are lots of problems in such methods and they cannot be human centered. Thus, to cope with these problems, we proposed a new active information display method based on a projector mounted mobile robot. The proposed system is able to afford a user with relevant information by projecting it on where the user is looking, so that the user does not need to move for seeking information. Based on its features, the system is named as “Ubiquitous Display, UD”.


Correspondence papers

塩谷朋之, 前川晃佑, 岩本健児, 李周浩:大型公共施設においてサービス提供を行うUbiquitous Displayのための行動モデルの構築

Proc. of RSJ2012, AC2N2-4, 2012 (in Japanese).

塩谷朋之, 前川晃祐, 李周浩:視覚情報支援のための自立移動投影ロボットの行動モデル

Proc. of RSJ2011, AC3G2-7, 2011 (in Japanese).

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