History of Robotics Research and Development of Japan1980LocomotionA Control Theoretic Study on Dynamical Biped Locomotion

Fumio MiyazakiOsaka University
Suguru ArimotoOsaka University
The dynamics of the biped locomotion system with many degrees of freedom are analyzed from a control 
theoretic point of view. By the use of the singular perturbation technique, it is shown that biped 
locomotion can be divided into two modes with respective time scales, the fast mode and the slow mode.  
Based on this fact, a control system for dynamical biped locomotion is constructed.


Correspondence papers

F. Miyazaki and S. Arimoto:A Control Theoretic Study on Dynamical Biped Locomotion

ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol.102, pp.233-239, Dec. 1980.

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