History of Robotics Research and Development of Japan1981SensingOptical Proximity Sensor by Using Phase Information

Ryosuke MASUDAFaculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Shuichi SASANational Aerospace Laboratory
Kensuke HASEGAWAFaculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
We developed the simple optical proximity sensor based on measuring the phase shift of modulated reflex light from the object. It can measure the distance and the inclination angle of the object as well without being affected by the reflection factor. Basic elements of the proposed sensor consist of light sources and an optical detector. In case of distance measurement, two light sources are located asymmetrically to the optical detector, and driven by 90 degree phase shifted signal (sine or cosine signal). The distance can be obtained as the function of the phase angle of reflex light signal. In case of inclination angle measurement, two light sources are located symmetrically and then the inclination angle can be measured as the phase angle of reflex light.  This sensor can be applied to three dimensional surface tracing control and obstacle avoidance control of the robot manipulator. SICE Awards for Outstanding Paper in 1983.
写真1 近接覚センサの基本形
Photo 1 Basic Proximity Sensor
写真2 モジュール型近接覚センサ
Photo 2 Module Type Proximity Sensor
写真3 近接覚センサハンド
Photo 3 Hand Mounted Proximity Sensors
写真4 近接覚トレース制御
Photo 4 Trace Control using Proximity Sensing
写真5 近接覚による障害物回避
Photo 5 Obstacle Avoidance using Proximity Sensing


Correspondence papers

Ryosuke Masuda, Shuichi Sasa, and Kensuke Hasegawa:Optical Proximity Sensor by Using Phase Information

Transactions of SICE, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 945-950, 1981 (in Japanese).

Related papers

[1] R. Masuda: Multi-functional Optical Proximity Sensor by using Phase Information, pp169-176, '85 ICAR (1985)

[2] 増田: 変調位相情報に注目した光学式近接覚センサの応用,東海大学紀要工学部,Vol.26, No.1, pp1-8 (1986)

[3] T. Tsuchiya and R. Masuda: Allocation of Proximity Sensors for Obstacle Detection of a Robot Manipulator, Journal of Robotics and mechatronics Vol.9 No.6 pp482-489, (1997)

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