【7月20日投稿締切】Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM) 「Soft Mechanisms and Soft Elements」特集号の論文募集
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics(JRM)において、「Soft Mechanisms and Soft Elements」特集号の論文を募集しております.
- Special Issue on Soft Mechanisms and Soft Elements
-特集号CFP (富士技術出版)
[HTML] https://www.fujipress.jp/cfp/rb-37-1-cfp/
[PDF] https://www.fujipress.jp/main/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/JRMCFP_37-1.pdf
Research has been ongoing on various types of soft robots in recent years. Soft robots with flexible mechanisms are expected to contribute greatly to the development of robotics, not only in industrial applications but also in various other applications, such as tasks involving robot-human interactions. Flexible mechanisms are not necessarily realized with flexible materials alone; they can also be realized by taking new approaches to conventional mechanisms. It is also desirable for sensors and various other components to be flexible so that they do not reduce the flexibility of a mechanism. The development of these mechanisms and elemental technologies will lead to the further development of soft robots. This special issue will feature papers on the structures and applications of soft mechanisms and soft elements, as well as on design and analysis methods and control techniques. We welcome many submissions so that we may contribute to the further development of soft robots.
香川大学 佐々木大輔
中央大学 中村太郎
岡山大学 脇元修一
徳島大学 高岩昌弘
■発刊号: JRM Vol.37 No.1
■原稿締切: 2024年7月20日
■採択通知: 2024年11月20日
■最終原稿受付: 2024年12月20日
■発刊日: 2025年2月20日
■投稿先: 富士技術出版株式会社 JRM編集部
E-mail: robot@fujipress.jp
<JRMホームページ> https://www.fujipress.jp/jrm/
<投稿者用ホームページ> https://www.fujipress.jp/jrm/rb-authors/