第9回Advanced Robotics Paper Awards -Best Survey Paper Award-:Survey on frontiers of language and robotics

Survey on frontiers of language and robotics
(Advanced Robotics Vol.33 No.15,16, pp.700-730)
Tadahiro Taniguchi (Ritsumeikan University)
Daichi Mochihashi (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Takayuki Nagai (Osaka University)
Satoru Uchida (Kyushu University)
Naoya Inoue (Tohoku University)
Ichiro Kobayashi (Ochanomizu University)
Tomoaki Nakamura (The University of Electro-Communications)
Yoshinobu Hagiwara (Ritsumeikan University)
Naoto Iwahashi (Okayama Prefectural University)
Tetsunari Inamura (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Kei Okada (The University of Tokyo )
Masayuki Inaba (The University of Tokyo )



表彰式の様子(Advanced Robotics Paper Awards贈賞シーン)